Oops…Did I just catch you thinking small?

I recently ran into a young gentleman who told me he was going to start a website design business.
“Who is your business going to serve?” I asked him. “Local business owners,” he replied. “Have you ever thought about serving business owners across the world?” I asked him. “No,” he said.

By all means, I am not taking anything away from this ambitious young man. We need many more like him. I am only trying to illustrate a hugely important point that 99% of all entrepreneurs in America are missing: you can have a global business overnight, today even if you want to. In many cases, developing the global component for your business can mean the difference between success and failure.

With more and more countries coming online to the global business world, there is no reason not to take your business to the doorsteps of the new and emerging capitalist countries of the world. Moreover, you can also grow your market and have loyal customers that grow with you. What do I mean?

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Finding quality sources online that aren’t Wikipedia

Since finding out about it, a lot of teachers have developed a vendetta against Wikipedia. I’ve known lots of kids who use it as their only source in a research paper, and teachers go bonkers when they see that. This is because Wikipedia is editable by anyone, making it an unreliable source for a formal report.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Wikipedia as much as the average person. Like any Internet hipster, I look up information on Wikipedia all the time. I know how much the regulars over there guard pages against any harm, but I also know that anyone who looks around long enough will find some incorrect fact on a page. I have found many, and I regret to say that Wikipedia isn’t as flawless as we’d all like it to be.

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Stories About Customer Service in Japan

Did you know that McDonald’s in Japan offers a “smile” on the menu? It is a real smile for free. On the menu board, it clearly says, “Smile….0” in Japan. You can see this sign at any McDonald’s restaurant in Japan.

Therefore if you have a chance to eat at McDonald’s in Japan, you should ask them, “Can I have a smile?” I am sure they would give you a big smile. To my surprise, however, I learned that there is no such thing in the U.S.A. I think this difference is based on cultures.

I don’t know if you remember my article “Something about bee,” that I wrote last year. When I went to buy medicine for a bee-sting, the sales lady said, “we have some products to offer, but they don’t really work that well”. Though my bee sting was very painful and I needed immediate relief, I was very impressed by her honesty and I recognized the differences between cultures on that day.

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Tips for Career Change – the YOU Factor

These tips for a career change are all about YOU – because all changes in life require adjustments on your part.

ABOUT YOURSELF:  How old are you?

Tip 1: Your age does not matter. It is your ambition, determination, and drive that matters.


Tip 2: Starting a new career requires lots of effort on your part. If you’re weak and often sick you may not have the stamina to start one. Your ability to concentrate and focus on ideas to develop into a business may be compromised. The basics of good health are to watch your diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

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