Obsessed With Facebook?

It has been suggested to me on more than one occasion that I may be spending far too much time on social media. And they may have a point. I have five accounts on Twitter, two on Facebook, plus underused pages on Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Foursquare, and Quora. I’ve at least kept away from Pinterest.

While I do have quieter times, I just can’t help coming back. I blame my iPhone for that.

Thankfully, I’m not alone. Take a look at the infographic below from OnlineSchools.org. While some of the numbers are incredible, I can’t help but feel an affinity for my fellow obsessed social souls.

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How Innovative Activities Change as Industries Mature

So it’s an equal playing field after all. Companies in mature industries can be just as creative as startups, according to a new study conducted by professors from Boston University and Harvard Business School. In “How Innovative Activities Change as Industries Mature,” Boston’s Anita M. McGahan and Harvard’s Brian Silverman analyzed the patent applications of publicly traded U.S. companies from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s.

They found innovation doesn’t decline with age. Using algorithms, the study identified an average of 75,000 to 100,000 patents per year per industry, which includes manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, retail, financial services, entertainment, and business services. This doesn’t change when you throw in “emerging industries.”

“The results surprised us a great deal at first because conventional wisdom has us believing that new companies are more creative while older companies don’t have the incentive to be as innovative,” McGahan says. The study also found that industry leaders can be “displaced” no matter how many patents they hold.

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Wasted Time – How to Bust it

Time is your most precious asset, and this article includes some tips on how to avoid wasting it. So let’s take a closer look at Wasted Time – how to bust it.

In one of my earlier posts, I explained that procrastination or wasting time is the reason so many people today are unable to achieve their goals and gain financial freedom.

Many people dream about a better job, working from home, or just having financial freedom yet they don’t know how to manage their time.

I think I have mentioned that I’m involved in helping people to pass the GED test so read my review of GED practice tests and classes. The GED is a high school equivalency test for people who didn’t finish high school but now are looking for new job possibilities and would like to continue their education.

The first step in this process is to get prepared for the GED by taking preparation classes and GED pre-tests. Sadly, many people waste their time and never get their GED certificate so here is how to bust time-wasting.

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Success Comes After Failure [Infographic]

People are afraid of failure and this is the key reason why they will not succeed. It is a fact that most of the people who now are rich and successful experienced several failures before. To a certain degree, they all have failed in the past so let’s look at how success comes after failure. … Read more

Mergers and Acquisitions Law – Why is Free Cash Flow important?

Last time I have discussed which methods exist to value a firm and this time I give you a small introduction in what the free cash flow is and why is it important for the valuation of the firm based on the internal data. Here we go about Mergers and Acquisitions Law – why is free cash flow important?

My intention is to highlight the main aspects of this method, which are usually taken for granted and sometimes are paid less attention to. So, let us now focus on the internal method.

Now I want to focus your attention on why we work with the free cash flows for determining the value of a firm and not with the profits the company is making when trying to determine its value.

Cash flow creates a great deal of confusion to many especially those who are new to the subject of corporate finance. People tend to think that profit is the key to measuring value creation in a company or a project, not least because such a concept is widely known. On the other hand, while many have heard of the proverb “Cash is King”, only few can explain its significance.

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